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Setting up Vehicle Tampers/Fingerprints

Out of the Box

Because r14-evidence adds the functionality for police to check a vehicle for signs of tampering and search them for fingerprints, we must add the proper event triggers to our vehicle keys script. An edit of qb-vehiclekeys (current as of 10/30/22) is available from the discord for those who use the default resource, but if you use modified version or a third-party script you can use the following guide to enable vehicle tampering and vehicle fingerprint evidence on your server.

How to Create A Vehicle Tamper

To create a vehicle tampering, you only need to trigger a server event with a boolean argument in the first position and the (properly trimmed) string of the vehicle's plate. There are two types of vehicle tamperings you can trigger in r14-evidence, an exterior lock tamper which indicates the vehicle was forcibly entered, and an ignition tamper which indicates the vehicle was forcibly started. Before we look at how to edit our resource, lets look at how we trigger these events:

r14-evidence Exterior Tamper Event
TriggerServerEvent('evidence:server:SetExteriorTamper', boolean, plate) -- from client-side

TriggerEvent('evidence:server:SetExteriorTamper', boolean, plate) -- from server-side
r14-evidence Ignition Tamper Event
TriggerServerEvent('evidence:server:SetIgnitionTamper', boolean, plate) -- from client-side

TriggerEvent('evidence:server:SetIgnitionTamper', boolean, plate) -- from server-side

To create an exterior tamper, we need to trigger the 'evidence:server:SetExteriorTamper' with a value of true and the plate of the vehicle in question. To ensure that we are properly matching the plate to the ones we search using the Inspect Vehicle or Evidence Sweep job functions, we should use the built-in QBCore.Functions.GetPlate() function to find the plate text of the vehicle instead of the GetPlate() native due to its automatic trimming function which formats plates less than 8 characters.

How to Create A Vehicle Fingerprint

To create a vehicle fingerprint, you must trigger the following server networked event with the plate of the vehicle you want to create a fingerprint in, and a string that describes the location of the fingerprint on or in the vehicle. It is important not to trigger this from the server side as the script will not be able to use the event source to find a Citizen ID.

r14-evidence Vehicle Fingerprint Event
TriggerServerEvent('evidence:server:CreateCarFingerprint', plate, location)

As with our tampering events, it is important that we either use qb-core's built-in QBCore.Functions.GetPlate() function or if we must use the GetPlate() native that we use a plate trimming function to properly add whitespace to plate strings of less than eight charactgers.


Never make changes to ANY script without making a backup first, you never know what might happen!

Integrating A Third Party Script

In order to modify an older version of qb-vehiclekeys, or to add functionality to a third-party script, we must look at the code and determine the point at which the player attempts to forcibly enter or start the vehicle and add an event trigger there. To give a generalized guide of how to do this, we will look at qb-vehiclekeys and look for the best place to add these event triggers.

Because we want to only create a tamper when the player has attempted to enter the vehicle, we will want to look for the code that allows a player to break into a vehicle. By default in qb-vehiclekeys, a player can usually only do this by using a lockpick to attempt to break into a locked vehicle. We can find our starting point by simply searching the client/main.lua and server/main.lua for the term lockpick.

qb-vehiclekeys Client-side Networked Event Handler
RegisterNetEvent('lockpicks:UseLockpick', function(isAdvanced)

The first result for the term lockpick leads us to this event handler, but if we want to be sure of what triggers this event, we can perform a search of our server files.

qb-smallresources Server-side Useable Item Function
QBCore.Functions.CreateUseableItem("lockpick", function(source, item)
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
TriggerClientEvent("lockpicks:UseLockpick", source, false)

If you use qb-smallresources, your serach should show you that the QBCore.Functions.CreateUseableItem() for the lockpick item triggers this event whenever a player uses the lockpick item. With this information, we can now follow the code and inspect the function found in the event handler.

qb-vehiclekeys Client-side Lockpickdoor Function
function LockpickDoor(isAdvanced)
local ped = PlayerPedId()
local pos = GetEntityCoords(ped)
local vehicle = QBCore.Functions.GetClosestVehicle()

if vehicle == nil or vehicle == 0 then return end
if HasKeys(QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(vehicle)) then return end
if #(pos - GetEntityCoords(vehicle)) > 2.5 then return end
if GetVehicleDoorLockStatus(vehicle) <= 0 then return end

usingAdvanced = isAdvanced

When we look at the LockpickDoor() function, we find the code which checks if we are near a vehicle, if we have the keys for it, and if the vehicle is locked before executing the function contained in the config that triggers the lockpicking minigame. We can then find the callback which is executed by qb-lockpick below this in the following function:

qb-vehiclekeys Client-side Lockpick Callback Function
function LockpickFinishCallback(success)
local vehicle = QBCore.Functions.GetClosestVehicle()

local chance = math.random()
if success then
TriggerServerEvent('hud:server:GainStress', math.random(1, 4))
lastPickedVehicle = vehicle

if GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, -1) == PlayerPedId() then
TriggerServerEvent('qb-vehiclekeys:server:AcquireVehicleKeys', QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(vehicle))
QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t("notify.vlockpick"), 'success')
TriggerServerEvent('qb-vehiclekeys:server:setVehLockState', NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(vehicle), 1)

TriggerServerEvent('hud:server:GainStress', math.random(1, 4))

if usingAdvanced then
if chance <= Config.RemoveLockpickAdvanced then
TriggerServerEvent("qb-vehiclekeys:server:breakLockpick", "advancedlockpick")
if chance <= Config.RemoveLockpickNormal then
TriggerServerEvent("qb-vehiclekeys:server:breakLockpick", "lockpick")

Here, we can see that in this callback function, if the pick is successful it will then check if the ped is nearby the vehicle or sitting in it. Because this function is only triggered when the lockpicking minigame is completed, this is an appropriate place to add the tampering and fingerprint triggers. Rather than placing it within the conditional statement starting at Line 5, we can use the some of the logic this function and add it above the if this if statement.

Modified qb-vehiclekeys Client-side Lockpick Callback Function
function LockpickFinishCallback(success)
local vehicle = QBCore.Functions.GetClosestVehicle()

if GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, -1) == PlayerPedId() then
TriggerServerEvent('evidence:server:SetIgnitionTamper', true, QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(vehicle))
if QBCore.Functions.IsWearingGloves and not QBCore.Functions.IsWearingGloves() then
TriggerServerEvent('evidence:server:CreateCarFingerprint', QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(vehicle), "Vehicle Ignition")
if QBCore.Functions.IsWearingGloves and not QBCore.Functions.IsWearingGloves() then
TriggerServerEvent('evidence:server:CreateCarFingerprint', QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(vehicle), "Exterior Locks")
TriggerServerEvent('evidence:server:SetExteriorTamper', true, QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(vehicle))

local chance = math.random()
if success then
TriggerServerEvent('hud:server:GainStress', math.random(1, 4))
lastPickedVehicle = vehicle

if GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, -1) == PlayerPedId() then
TriggerServerEvent('qb-vehiclekeys:server:AcquireVehicleKeys', QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(vehicle))
QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t("notify.vlockpick"), 'success')
TriggerServerEvent('qb-vehiclekeys:server:setVehLockState', NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(vehicle), 1)

TriggerServerEvent('hud:server:GainStress', math.random(1, 4))

if usingAdvanced then
if chance <= Config.RemoveLockpickAdvanced then
TriggerServerEvent("qb-vehiclekeys:server:breakLockpick", "advancedlockpick")
if chance <= Config.RemoveLockpickNormal then
TriggerServerEvent("qb-vehiclekeys:server:breakLockpick", "lockpick")

Because this event already contains code that checks if the player is attempting to lockpick the ignition or the exterior door, we can reuse this code and create a new block at Line 4 at the beginning of the callback function. We can then add our tampering events in the if/else portion of this statement, and add some additional logic to check if our ped is wearing gloves to determine whether or not we create a vehcile fingerprint. The final thing we need to do is add our location to our fingerprints, marking the ones from a driver as being on the vehicle's ignition, and the other on the vehicle's exterior locks!